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Anyone can be a Creator, But can anyone be a UNIQUE Creator?

Today, we decided to take a dig into the creator-verse and find out ways to create unique content - for ourselves to try something new, and our viewers to enjoy something new!

First step has got to be your own ideas, I get it that as a growing creator you do deserve to follow trends and create similar content, but you’re a GOOD creator if you can find to add your own ideas into that. TikTok dances are a different thing - but I promised myself not to offend anyone.

After you’ve been able to channel your audience towards you, it would be great to start something new. By “new” I mean something that you find your audience would like!

Creators worry too much about starting new content and whether it would be liked by their audience, one way to counter this is by interacting with your OG and regular viewers and fans by services such as Patron, YouTube community posts and live discussions on any platform like Twitch or YouTube again. This helps understand if your audience wants new content, would like to get new content or even better, They can give you more ideas.

The last step would be to be sane. And be yourself. As a creator, you’re unique if you’re yourself, and don’t end up doing something you don’t like just for - as the modern day peeps might refer to it as - “clout”. You’re doing your best only when you’re doing something that you like. Hopefully this helped in providing the right vision to any creator - established or aspiring - to give their best.

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